

this week is the exam for midterm , I test a world civil subject.Every day I read a world civil book for test on the Friday.On monday is holiday but I and my friends must study this subject at supremo center.We start studied at 9.00 and finished at 18.00 pm.we studied by video because teacher is sick.She can't came in today.I'm so tried because It's a lot of lesson to test in the midterm.This subject is about a history in each civilization and it can divided to 8 chapter for test in midterm exam.First of a subject matter is "The period of human being" .It's told about history of human in each age.It divided into 2 period of age is stone age and metal age.Second of a subject matter is "mesopotamian civilizzation".The important thing in this chapter is people of mesopotamian.It can divide to 7 group of people in mesopotamian.In each groups of people has a different important.The third chapter is "egyptian".This chapter is told everything in Egypt civilization .For example , Charecteristic of egypt is immortality and resurrection , Political system in egypt can divided into three positions is vizier,exchequers,normarchs.This chapter has a lot important data in egypt since the past to now .for example , the profile of Pharoah or the succeed to the throne by the empire in each age or the method of building the pyramid etc.The next chapter is "Indian civilization".This chapter is important for Thai people so much because It told about Buddhism profile.In this age has empire to respect the Buddhism.His name is king Asoka , his period was the greatest period of Mauya empire and his period found an internal prosperity and external peace.He was the great supporter in educational institutions , wealthy and well governed as same as Roman empire.Important thing to Buddism is has the holy text is the Tripitaka and the ultimate gold of Buddhism is Nirvana or empiness.Besides Buddhism has the most important of Budda teaching for people who respect the Buddhism is "The Four Nobel Truth" namely life is sorrow , The couse of sorrow is Desire , To escape is possible only be stopping desire and the cessation of desire can only achieved by the eight four paths.The Fifth chapter is "Chiness civilization".It isn't an important thing because this chapter is told about chineese profile.The most important two chpters is name's "Greek civilization" and "Roman civilizatiom".I think teacher will choose this two chapter for test because in Greek civilization has a lot important of situation same Roman civilization.The last chapter I test in midterm exam name's "Islam civilization".This chapter didn't important because a content is lower.
On Friday , I test this subject . It's have five point.Each point have eight mark.I think I can do it a lot because I read more than three time.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Thanks for the lecture! ;-)