

On Monday is an important day for me because It's a birthday of my mum.I arrange the big cake with my father for give hers today.I will told my grade in the semester1 for her beacuse in semester1 I able a good grade than every semester.I passed every law subject I study in semester1.I was very glad so much beacuse I get grade A in law subject , That is a legal profession subject.When I finished study at half past twelve I went to shopping at central to buy something gave my mom.I think I will bought an ice-cream cake.It has diversified and many flavor.It has many kind I capricious to bought.I like vanilla but chocolate is look appetizing.So I decided to bought vanilla ice-cream cake.I bought it two poorly for three people to ate.That night I hurry to arrange before she get home.I and my father think to make her surprised.When she got home she look surprised because I turn of all light and extend a big cake from me and my father to her.She look glad and surprise so much.We ate a big cake and vanilla ice-cream cake. I told my grade in semester1 to my dad and my mum.They glad and proud of in my effort so much.So in that night we will celebrate a birthday at home.
On Friday is my holidays.My friends at St.john's school call me for a meeting an old friends at one o'clock.I went to St.john by taxi.First I met my friends.I didn't saw them for two years since I study at assumption university but I don't intimate with them.In a few minute I met a lot of my friends.I met a much my intimate friends when I study at St.john.I saw them , everybody look different than two years ago.Someone look bad than two years ago but someone look so beauty and handsome than in the past.After I met my friends we will met a teacher.They met and talked with my teacher.They don't look different from in the past they teaches me.So we went to central to ate a restaurant.They ate mk restaurant.we talked about when we studied at St.john and when we studied in university.We are think of when I study together.After they finished eating , they will move to a different place to shopping.I went to shopping with my group. My group has a few ,I has six intimate friends.We went to major after I shopping at central. We think to watched movie but It don't have an interest movie we want to watch.Then we decided to play bowing at major.we played for two games because someone want to came back home and someone has an errand to do.They will to move to came back home and we agree to met again in the next time.So I will came back home in the evening. when I came back home I play raknarok online game with my girlfriend and my old friends.I think I feel funny so much because I met a lot of my old friends.

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