

this week,On Monday is my holiday because my subject is cancle class every subject so I will gets up late. Today I went to Central ladphrao with 3 my friends.We ate japaness food. I ate fish steak , rice , sushi and orange juice and my other friends , They ate beef steak , sushi set and tempura.It's so delicious but I think It is expansive so much. When we finished eating We went to shopping.We look shirt , T-shirt and short.It has some shirt and T-shirt I think it beautiful but I don't buy it because it expansive.After that we went to St.john's school because someone of my friends must study at St.john's university at 14.00 pm.then I will send him and met my old teachers.They look so busy because they teaches them students.Then we went to major for play bowing game.It has a promotion for this week , you can play 2 hours but pay for 200 baht.First I gets 120 marks but I lose my friends.he gets 130 marks.Second I won him because I gets stike for 3 times and I gets 160 marks.Next we look so tired then I will came back home at 18.00 pm.I think today I feel good and funny so much to shopping and playing with my friends.It 's so beautiful and interesting one days for me on Monday is holiday.when I get home I as sleep because I tired so much and in the midnight I gets up to played raknarok online game with my friends and my girl friends.
On Friday is my holiday in this semester ,Today I stayed at home and I played my new games.I bought this game on yesterday and I will play it today.This game is about fighting between player 1 and com or you can choose other menu for fighting with player 2.If you win the monster in each mission you will gets point for upgrade your characters , you can choose a new weapon to use when you can kill monster or boss of monster in that mission and when you clear in each mission you will unblock a new characters for play again if you can knock this game for first times.I play this game for 5 hour because it's fun.In the evening I talk with my friends by mobile phone.he invited me about tomorrow is Loi Kratong festival.He told me he want to travel because he feel boring.If he didn't went in some place ,he will stay at home.Then he will invite me and his friends to go in tomorrow.
On Saturday , I gets up in the morning because I will went to Dream World with my friends.he decided went to Dream World again.I went to Dream World with 5 my friends.We went by taxi and we started playing at 12.00 pm.It has a few people but at 13.30 pm. It has a lot of people in there.At noon we ate KFC for lunce.Today we play everything in Dream World for example herricane , space mountain , super space , ghost house and etc. Everybody feel funny and so exciting.I came back home at 18.00 pm.I was tried so much.



On Monday is an important day for me because It's a birthday of my mum.I arrange the big cake with my father for give hers today.I will told my grade in the semester1 for her beacuse in semester1 I able a good grade than every semester.I passed every law subject I study in semester1.I was very glad so much beacuse I get grade A in law subject , That is a legal profession subject.When I finished study at half past twelve I went to shopping at central to buy something gave my mom.I think I will bought an ice-cream cake.It has diversified and many flavor.It has many kind I capricious to bought.I like vanilla but chocolate is look appetizing.So I decided to bought vanilla ice-cream cake.I bought it two poorly for three people to ate.That night I hurry to arrange before she get home.I and my father think to make her surprised.When she got home she look surprised because I turn of all light and extend a big cake from me and my father to her.She look glad and surprise so much.We ate a big cake and vanilla ice-cream cake. I told my grade in semester1 to my dad and my mum.They glad and proud of in my effort so much.So in that night we will celebrate a birthday at home.
On Friday is my holidays.My friends at St.john's school call me for a meeting an old friends at one o'clock.I went to St.john by taxi.First I met my friends.I didn't saw them for two years since I study at assumption university but I don't intimate with them.In a few minute I met a lot of my friends.I met a much my intimate friends when I study at St.john.I saw them , everybody look different than two years ago.Someone look bad than two years ago but someone look so beauty and handsome than in the past.After I met my friends we will met a teacher.They met and talked with my teacher.They don't look different from in the past they teaches me.So we went to central to ate a restaurant.They ate mk restaurant.we talked about when we studied at St.john and when we studied in university.We are think of when I study together.After they finished eating , they will move to a different place to shopping.I went to shopping with my group. My group has a few ,I has six intimate friends.We went to major after I shopping at central. We think to watched movie but It don't have an interest movie we want to watch.Then we decided to play bowing at major.we played for two games because someone want to came back home and someone has an errand to do.They will to move to came back home and we agree to met again in the next time.So I will came back home in the evening. when I came back home I play raknarok online game with my girlfriend and my old friends.I think I feel funny so much because I met a lot of my old friends.



on monday , I woke up and went to assumption university in the morning because my first subject start at eight o'clock am. The first subject is law of public finance & taxation. I study for 2 hour and I study English 2 for the next subject.I finished study at half past twelve and I came back home. when I came back home , I play computer game with my friends. My game is raknarok online. It has much surver you can choose to play.I think it's fun and interest game for gamer in internet.It's about fighting game , You must keep items for selling and you will get item to up your level in the next time.If you get 999 of level , you are strongest person in this game. you can do eveything you want. For example you can killed the demon and monster so easy and you will get a lot of the precious etc.I played this game cause of my girlfriend , She would not to play alone.Then I have played since 1 month ago but now I cannot play too much because university has opened.I have to study harder because my grade is not good enough.My girlfriend told me " You can play everything you want but you should have to do a schudule for with a book and study". I will do my best and make her wish come true.So in each day when I finished study at assumtion university I planed I will play game with my friends and my girlfriends for 2 hour and I read a book for the test at night for 2 hour before I take a shower and went to sleep.
On Friday is my holiday because in 1 week I study 4 days.Today I usually call to my friend to go out with me. We planed to go to Dream world.It was unbelieveable that I met my old friends I hadn't seen them for 3 years.Then they looked change not bad but better than before I cannot remember. We talked about our old days. Then I missed them so much.I told them to play with us.At noon we ate KFC , I know now that someone of my friends study at thammasat university but someone is study at St.john's university. They told me they study so hard and when he test the final term they read a book to test so much. I agree with them because they look so serious than they studied with me in matthayom 3 but they gets a good grade. they told me they gets GPA for 3.00 in each term. Someone study law but someone study doctor.After we finish playing at Dream World we will came back home.Today I tired so much but I happy and funny because I play everything in Dream World and I met my old friends in this day.I will remember important things I will met and play with my old friends after I didn't saw them for 3 years ago.
On Saturday I went to shoping at central bang na with my family. I will met my sister at there because she sell goods at central bang na. I bought T-shirt to give my girlfriens for she graduated .I bought shirt for me and trousers for study at the university.I ate japaness restaurant with my sister and my family. I ate suchi and beef steak and my sister ate fish steak and rice. After that we ate SWENSENS for dessert. We think it's delicious. So I came back home at 21.00 pm.



this week , On monday I went to assumption university. It's first day for study at assumption university term 2 after I finished the exam in final term 1. I think I serious about final test in term1 so much because some subject I cannot do it. that subject was property and land law and micro economic. I think I cannot pass this subjects.So in term 2 I will learn a lot than term 1. In term2 I studied 7 subject in 5 days.First subject It is English 2 , I studied english 2 again beacuse I fail this subject. I get WP .(555+) I think I will pass english 2 in this term. I studied english 2 with jasper.In term 1 I studied english 2 with clayton.The next subject It is world civilization. It's about legal history.I studied with thai teacher but I forgot her name. She teaches so fast but I think I understand when she teaches.The third subject is english for lawyer 1. This subject was same english 2 but english for lawyer is study about words of lawyer.For example Attorney <-It's means lawyer or Advocate , it same attorney. It's means lawyer etc. The fourth subject is law of juristic acts and contracts. I think this subject is so hard in this term beacuse this subject it has a lot of section must remember for test in final term and it has a teacher to teaches much more 1 person. The next subject is criminal law 1 , this subject I think it was so hard same law of juristic acts and contracts beacuse it has 4 credit. If I fail this subject my Gpa was lower 2.00 beacuse it has a much credit.Then I will pass this subject and get A (555).The last subject was law of public finace & taxation.It has 2 credit in this subject. So I went to assumption university for 5 days on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Saturday. These are the subject I study in this term.Last week I went to Hua-hin with my family.I went to Hua-hin for 3 days , I started to Hua-hin on Tuesday. I was so happy and funny at Hua-hin.First day I gets up and take a shower in the morning. Iwent to Hua-hin by car.We live at the hotel in Hua-hin.It name is Central Sofitel , It has a big room , big pool and beautiful beaches.The important thing in this hotel is price , In 1 night You must pay in the hotel for 5000 Baht OH... It's an expansive so much for 1 night.In the afternoon when I live in Hua-hin I went to swimming in the pool at the hotel.It's so hot beacuse weather in the afternoon at Hua-hin is so hot. Then I went to swimming in the evening for 15.00 pm. At night I ate seafood in the hotel with my family. I ate lobster , fish and fried rice.The second days in the morning after I gets up at seven o'clock . We ate breakfast at the hotel.I ate noodle and orange juice. In the afternoon I went to the beach , I swimming in the sea. I think this is beautiful beach than beach in Pattaya .In the evening I went to shopping outside the hotel It has many things is interest in Hua-hin For example beautiful shirt , a delicious food etc. I ate S&P restaurant at night and I ate SWENSENS for dessert after I ate dinner finished. After that I came back to hotel to rest. The last day in the morning I gets up in the morning same yesterday and I ate breakfast in the hotel. Today I ate bread and apple juice. In the afternoon I swimming in the pool at the hotel with my father and my mother. In the evening before I came back home , I ate seafood at the restaurant in the Hua-hin.After I finished everything We came back home. I feel tried so much but I think I feel happy and funny when I live in Hua-hin. I came back home on Friday in the evening. On Saturday I stayed at home because I tried. On Sunday I went to shopping at major with my friends.My friends have 3 persons. We went to major today beacuse we wanted to watching movie.We wanted to watching resident evil 3. after I finished watching movie I played bowing with my friends. When I finished playing bowing I came back home.On the Monday I went to assumption university to studied. So this is my journer in first week .