

this week , I and my girlfriend went to a wedding ceremony of her friends on 26 January.So before a wedding ceremony's will arrive , we finds a suit for went to a wedding ceremony.I don't wanted went to this wedding because I think I don't intimated with her and I stint a money to buy a suit because if I bought it , I wear it specially this wedding ceremony only but my girlfried want me to go with her.This wedding ceremony's begin at 18.00 pm. in the hotel area ladphrao road on Saturday.I planed with my girlfried will went to choose a suit on Friday because It's my holiday this semester.But on Monday between I studied a law subject in class , my friends told me about his friends will make up a lesson in the library at abac on Friday and he arranged another his friends to make up a lesson.This subject we weill make up a lesson is criminal law1 because this subject is hard and It has a 4 credit.If I pass , It's makes my grade to high but On friday I arranged with my girlfrieds to buy a suit.I think if I told him I can't study , he cannot change because It's has another person will came on Friday except me.I feel to esteem highly another person can come on Friday.I asked him of the time of he teached so he teached at noon.I planed I will buy a suit in the morning and after that I went to abac to studied a criminal law1.On Thursday it has a problem that my girlfrieds is seriously ill.She's headache and to have a fever that I think it makes her cannot go to a wedding ceremony on Saturday.I followed a symptom of sickness to Friday , She's look better but She has a little fever that makes me cannot buy a suit with her and in the afternoon I went to make up a lesson at abac with my frieds.Appear that It's has a few people to make up this subject becaues another person has a business of themself.So on Saturday I put money 2000 baht to congratulate with her but I cannot went to a wedding ceremony because I don't have a suit and my girlfriends's ill that makes her can't went to wedding ceremony same me.
On Saturday at noon , I went to World Trade Center with my old friends. we talked between ate lunch at japaness reataurant about after we finished the exam in this semester.I think we wanted to go the sea because since We graduated at St.john's school , we never went to the sea.I think we should gone to be there because I bored to shopping at department store.I think we should to changed an atmosphere to relax because in Bangkok have a lot of pollution.I like a Hua-hin is good place because I think it's so beautiful and it has a beautiful beaches.I used to relax at Hua-hin with my family when I was child.I like this a seaside resort so much.I think I will went to relex this place again with my friends after finished the exam sure.



this week , I went to victory mounment with my friends to buy a shirt. It has many shops at there.I will buy a lacoste shirt because my friends told me if I wanted , I can buy at there other than department store.It's very cheap because it 's a imitation but I think it 's same if you look at outside shirt.But the difference things between genuine goods and imitaion goods must look at the crocodile logo in interior shirt.The genuine goods will stick crocodie logo in a texture but imitation goods will screen the logo.So it has a many colour but It didn't have a white shirt that I wanted.Then I gets a blue shirt for today and I went to ate the noodle before to shopping at department store for the next.I shopping at century.We ate ice-cream at swensens and after that we played arcade game and choose photo hunt to played.It has highest level that fifty point.we gets 25 point for first round and gets 30 point for the next round.When we finished playing the arcade game , we will went back home to played online game at home.
On wednesday have problem at my father's office.My father have guest house at khao-san road but in this time he don't have a worker to help him.He have 1 worker to do work for a long time.He's a Myanmar people.Today in the morning my father gets new worker.My dad told him to wash the toilet and he went to sleep.In the evening when my dad wake up , the worker has escape and he steal the first worker's bags.In that bags have an identification card , radio , mobile phone . a lots of money and other.So my dad went to police station to inform this story and My grandmother give worker for 3000 baht to do a new identification card because if he don't have an identification card , he didn't to do work in guest house.he afraid the police to catch him because he 's a Myanmar people.My dad is so serious about worker and money to give him to do new ID.Now my mum must help my dad at guest house every day after she finished to do work.On Saturday and Sunday my mum and me will him him until to find a new worker.
This week , I started to read a book for test.The first subject I read is criminal law 1 because It has a many section.I checked in abac webside to look the days for test.The first day is on 25 Febuary.I think I must started to read now because it has a 5 week to begin the final exam.I arrange with my friends to make up a lesson before the test for 1 week.On sunday I write a section of criminal law 1 in my note book because It can make me easy to remember than I read in section law book.The first subject I test is World civil .I think I can do it because before midterm I can do and I have a lot of marks in class.I think every marks can make me to pass this subject.I will to do one's best in law subject and english 2 a lots than World civil because I want to pass every subject in this term and the next.



this week is New Years,I planed with my friends in old school to watched the movie.This movie is an Aliens versus predator.We will watching the movie at the mall on 6 January, But one of all my friends have problems.He cannot come with me because he quarreled with his mother,So we decided to change days to watching the movie in the next Saturday .we cannot triped on Monday to Friday because everybody has a different time to study and we studied in a different university.On Saturday we went to the mall at 14.00 by my friends'car.Today is a traffic jam because it's a children's day.we checked the time of movies but in each time has late.we think we will ate lunch an find another to do after finished eating.we ate the Daidomon restaurant.It's a buffet food.My friends want to ate Daidomon so much because ,Now this restaurant has a few brance and we ate this restaurant in two years ago when we study at St.john's school.we ate chicken,pork,fish with rice and ice-cream for dessert.I think it's cheap because it price is one hundred and sixty five for one person.When we finished eating we went to played game at game center.It has many children to played.I don't play because I don't like and I think it's expansive to play one round for ten baht but my friends plays.He played the house of the death and other games I don't know the names of it.After that I find a book at se-ed book center.I will bought an english one for lawyer book for used to study english for lawyer on Wednesday.This subject has change teacher in after midterm, then he told everybody to bought this book for studied with him.I saw this book but I don't sure because It has a diversified book is same english one for lawyer.So I asked Korntawat but he don't know same me because he studied at Siam.He don't stayed at home.He told me to bought in the next day for sure.So I came back home with my friends at 18.30. It's traffic jam so much for today.
On Monday in the morning ,I must studied law subject but today has Mr. Phamarn to teach and introduce about a good speech for law student.He is a famous person because he has a diversified achivement on tv program and he's a good debator.I like him so much because I think he is a good lawyer and he know general principles of law every clause.I listened he teached at C-building.I think he teaches fun and I receive an usefulness various opinions from him.He told every law student is if you are study a law subject , you must to speech a lot because mostly of person to study a law is cannot speech a lot.So he will give every student to practice a speech in room one by one and he will told who is good or who is bad.If someone who bad , he will told and to set right in wrong thing.I think I feel funny and I want him to teach a law subject in abac.