

On Wednesday is a Chinese Newyear ,People will pay respect to god for make a good in business or good health and etc.At my home,I gets up in the morning to bring some food,water and fruits in front of the house for adored the gods and an ancestor.People will used a cock and a hen for pay respect to god in every years because they have believed about chicken is a bonanza animals ,so Chinese people used the chicken to pay respect to god every years.After I finished to pay respect to god ,I burned a silver and gold foil for give an ancestor such as money ,clothes ,ornaments ,mobile phone and etc.At noon I went to temple with my family to worship a sacred thing for a good thing in my life.It has a lot of people in each temple because today is a New Year of Chinese people ,so it has a Chinese people and Thai people to pay respect to god today.People will greet the gods in 7 important temple in Bangkok for a prosperity and success in life.The one important custom in Chinese Newyear festival is money for given to children as a spring festival gift.In the evening of the next day ,My family went to have a party with brother and sister in a maternal grandmother's house at Ladpharo road.I met my brother again after I do not met him for a long time because we lived in a different home and he do his work in an office all the time.We have a funny party and delicious food such as fried rice ,Sukiyaki ,a Thai style soup made with fish and shrimp and etc.After that a relative of my mother give the money to children.It has a custom of Chinese people in every years.I gets a money for 4000 baht from 5 relative of my mother and my uncle and my aunt.During a relative have funny eating at home ,I ,my brother and sister went to shopping at department store near at home.I bought a sweets and ice-cream for ate at home.On Friday in the evening after I came back home from studied at abac ,I went to a paternal grandmother 's home for met my paternal grandmother.She gave a money for me in Chinese New year.She game me for 4000 baht and bless me to pass the final exam and finished study at abac in 4 years.After that my father lead his mother went to restaurant for ate a delicious foods.When I finished eating ,we come back home and take a shower.Before I sleep ,My father and my mother give a money for me and bless me same paternal grandmother.They gave me each ten thousand baht.I think a money I gets from a relative or my family or my paternal grandmother ,I will divide for 3 parts because It's a lots of money.First parts I keep for buying something I wanted.I keep it for ten thousand.Next parts I put it in the bank for make a lot of money in the future same last year.The last part I used it now ,when I went to stdied at the university for eating and used the taxi for coming and come back home.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

You do know that the interest rates in Thailand are not that good at the moment, Peter?