

this week is the exam for midterm , I test a world civil subject.Every day I read a world civil book for test on the Friday.On monday is holiday but I and my friends must study this subject at supremo center.We start studied at 9.00 and finished at 18.00 pm.we studied by video because teacher is sick.She can't came in today.I'm so tried because It's a lot of lesson to test in the midterm.This subject is about a history in each civilization and it can divided to 8 chapter for test in midterm exam.First of a subject matter is "The period of human being" .It's told about history of human in each age.It divided into 2 period of age is stone age and metal age.Second of a subject matter is "mesopotamian civilizzation".The important thing in this chapter is people of mesopotamian.It can divide to 7 group of people in mesopotamian.In each groups of people has a different important.The third chapter is "egyptian".This chapter is told everything in Egypt civilization .For example , Charecteristic of egypt is immortality and resurrection , Political system in egypt can divided into three positions is vizier,exchequers,normarchs.This chapter has a lot important data in egypt since the past to now .for example , the profile of Pharoah or the succeed to the throne by the empire in each age or the method of building the pyramid etc.The next chapter is "Indian civilization".This chapter is important for Thai people so much because It told about Buddhism profile.In this age has empire to respect the Buddhism.His name is king Asoka , his period was the greatest period of Mauya empire and his period found an internal prosperity and external peace.He was the great supporter in educational institutions , wealthy and well governed as same as Roman empire.Important thing to Buddism is has the holy text is the Tripitaka and the ultimate gold of Buddhism is Nirvana or empiness.Besides Buddhism has the most important of Budda teaching for people who respect the Buddhism is "The Four Nobel Truth" namely life is sorrow , The couse of sorrow is Desire , To escape is possible only be stopping desire and the cessation of desire can only achieved by the eight four paths.The Fifth chapter is "Chiness civilization".It isn't an important thing because this chapter is told about chineese profile.The most important two chpters is name's "Greek civilization" and "Roman civilizatiom".I think teacher will choose this two chapter for test because in Greek civilization has a lot important of situation same Roman civilization.The last chapter I test in midterm exam name's "Islam civilization".This chapter didn't important because a content is lower.
On Friday , I test this subject . It's have five point.Each point have eight mark.I think I can do it a lot because I read more than three time.



On Tuesday , I went to visit my friends at hospital.He has an accident in his legs.His legs are broken by another player between he played football with their friends.Now he's splint his leg and after two or three days he can came back home.When I finished visit him I went to Siam Paragon with my friends.My friend aent to DTAC company for changeing his promotion but it didn't has a promotion he want.Then he offered to watch the movie but I didn't want to watch the movie because It don't have an interesting movie I want.I would like to do something else.So I invited them to pay bowling.All of us agreed with my offerd and we went to play it.We played for two hours because It has a promotion in this time we played.This promotion was cheap.It has an accident between I played.A fingernail at my thump was broken because I didn't play to be careful.I feel bad because It has a bleed and ail.Therefore I played it so hard.After that other my friends will went to met his friends in another place. Then we will move to a diffeerent place and I went back home.when I came back home I chat the msn program with my old friends at St.john school.He persuade me go to motor expo on Friday at noon.I agree with him because On Friday is my holiday in this semester.Besides he will persuade other my friends.So we will went to motor expo 2007 On Friday.I play raknarok online games with him after I finished chat msn.
On Thursday is the Father's day , I prepare something with my mother to make him surprise.I thing I will bought an ice-cream cake for celebrate with him at night .At noon I and my mum went to SWENSENS to choose an ice-cream cake.It has a divesified and varied.I bought a vanila ice-cream cake.At night between my father watching tv. I told my mother to close the light and I hold the ice-cream cake to give my father.He look so serprise and to be very glad.I feel happy same him in today.We ate an ice-cream cake so delicious and happy so much in this days.
On Friday , I gets up in the morning.I arrange with my friends to met them in the St.john at 9.00 am.I went to motor expo at impact by his car.I ate the japaness restaurant.It has a lot of people in the impact. I ate suchi , fish steak and rice.Other my friends ate suchi set , shrimp steak , beef steak , tempura set and etc.It's an expensive restaurant because I ate for 4 people but the price we ate are higher than one thousand but we think it's good because it's hot and fresh food.After we finished eating at japanness restaurant , we get into the motor expo.It's has a lot of car to show.Each car is beautiful and expensive so much.The one things important in this motor expo is pretty girls.They look so beautiful same cars.I like TOYOTA because it has a many car to show and I think petty in TOYOTA is so cool than another brand.



this week , On Monday after I finished study English 2 in class at noon.I went to abac university suvanabhum campus.I went with my friends by his car.I have a problem about ethic.My problem is last year , I reenter my grade in semester2.Information about ethic told me if you reenter you didn't study ethic in this semester and you can study ethic in the next years. he will gave me to pass in this semester but last week I check ethic grade in abac webside and I fail.So I went to suvanabhum campus to asked about ethic.He told me I can study ethic in the next term.After that I went to ate suki.I ate pork set and my friends ate beef set and pork set same me.It's has a few people in this restaurant because we ate at 15.00 pm. I think this time every student are study finished any class and they are came back home.I saw a building of law at abac suvannabhum campus.I think it will finished in the next one years or two years.If it complete I must study law subject at Suvannabhum campus sure.when we finished eating and look any more my friends will went to discuss about military subject with his teacher.he will organize into groups about working in miiltary subjects.he told me he study military subject every sunday at noon.he study for 5 years since a senior high school to now.he discuss about military subject for a long times.I think I will came back home now because if I don't came back home now I think a van to run out of.So I will came back to abac Hua-mak campus by van before my friends. I came back home at 17.00 pm. and other friens , they are came back from abac Suvannabhum campus late at night because after they finished discuss about the military subject.They went to play a music in musical club at abac suvannabhum campus.
On Saturday is my holiday , I went to world trade center at chit-lom road with my parents.I went to world trade every one month because I order a cartoon book in a bookstore at world trade center.This bookstore has many kind of book.It sell a diversified book for every country.But some book has an expansive so much because some books it import from a foreign country.After that I went to choose a shirt in a shop.It has many shops to sell a shirt and in each shops has a many beautiful shirts and T-shirts.I like a beautiful white shirt but It didn't same a shirt wear for study in the university.Each shops has a varied shirt and it has a varied price same.If it beautiful It has an expansive so much because every shops has brand and some kind of shirt import from a foreign country.So I gets a one white shirt and one jeans to wear for shopping in the next days.